Full Course Description

Essentials of the Integrative Relationship Therapy Approach

In this first module, Dr. Tammy Nelson shares everything you need to know to embark on the journey of becoming certified in Integrative Relationship Therapy (IRT). First, you’ll discover the core tenants of IRT the most common barriers to healthy relationships. Next, Dr. Nelson will reveal which treatment approaches she believes are pivotal to successful relationship therapy and begin teaching you how to effectively integrate these models into a singular treatment approach. Finally, you will learn a 10-session model of IRT, including which interventions to use to make treatment a success. 

Program Information


  1. Outline the core tenants of Integrative Relationship Therapy.
  2. Explain the Theory of Integrity in Treatment.
  3. Describe how at least two other couples therapy models can be utilized in Integrative Relationship Therapy.
  4. Identify the five dimensions of relationships.
  5. Summarize the three stages of IRT.
  6. Demonstrate a paradoxical intervention to use with couples.
  7. Describe the 10 session model of Integrative Relationship Therapy.




  • The Core Tenants of Integrative Relationship Therapy (IRT)
  • What we Really Mean by “Integration” in Treatment
  • The Cycle of Intimate Relationships
  • The Five Dimensions of Relationships
  • The Three Stages of Effective Treatment
  • How to Develop a Treatment Plan
  • The Two Lies That Destroy A Relationships 
  • The Problem with Communication 
  • The Three Types of Intimacy
  • Barriers to Healthy Relationships
  • Using Paradoxical Interventions


  • Approaches to Integrate in Your Couples Work: IFS, EFT, Gottman, PACT and Jung
  • The Neuroscience of Relationships
  • Working with Dis-Integrated Parts
  • Integrating Sexuality into Treatment
  • More Approaches to Integrate in Your Couples Work: Imago, Narrative, Solution-Focused and CBT 


  • A Session-by-Session Guide to IRT
  • Effective Interventions for Successful Treatment
  • Defining Treatment Success


Copyright : 24/08/2023

Healing from Affairs: Moving Past the Trauma of Betrayal and Infidelity

In this cutting-edge training, we will discuss the varieties of affairs and the many ways that relationships can heal from the betrayal that affects intimacy. We will review the stages of recovery that lead to long term healing. Issues around trust, forgiveness, new visions of monogamy, sexuality and connection for the future of the couple’s relationship will be addressed. The recording will include videos and case examples to illustrate how breaches of monogamy can affect potential ongoing connection.

We will look at integrity, narcissism, second adolescence, parallel love relationships, online affairs, pornography, sex addiction and emotional infidelity and their effect on sexuality, intimacy and emotional connection and how therapists can help restart communication. We will review three phases of treatment and the steps of the recovery process.

It is crucial to understand the triangulation that can occur when therapists do not explore their own bias and countertransference and we will look at how to avoid unintentional shaming and client retaliation. We will look at the power of the third in the relationship, including the therapeutic as well as the romantic. This recording will delve into the meaning of each type of affair and participants will learn interventions to help repair, restructure and redefine the future and help clients create a new monogamy for a stronger more insightful and connected partnership.

This recording will move beyond a victim, perpetrator and rescuer model of therapy and will create sustainable monogamy agreements where transparency and authenticity promote resiliency.

Program Information


  1. Catalogue infidelity using the three-part definition and how partners are affected in a marriage or committed partnership.
  2. Determine the betrayal trauma effects on relationships and how collusion and bias play a part in the secondary gain of the role of the third in infidelity.
  3. Analyze why the current therapy isn’t working and why some systems of recovery from affairs can retraumatize clients.
  4. Distinguish the three phases of treatment after an affair and determine how they can improve treatment outcomes.
  5. Distinguish the difference between implicit and explicit monogamy and create new monogamy agreements.
  6. Construct a revised formula for treatment plans after infidelity breaches, to include long term sustainable monogamy.


Affair recovery in Integrative Relationship Therapy

  • Why do people cheat?
  • The types of Affairs that present in treatment
  • What is Infidelity?
  • Three Parts of an affair
  • Countertransference
  • Role of the third in treatment
  • Avoiding re-traumatization in therapy
  • What is betrayal trauma
  • What is collusion and bias and secondary gain
  • Individual integrative therapy
Three stages of Affair recovery treatment
  • Crisis/realization
  • Insight/reevaluate
  • Vision/renegotiate
  • What is erotic recovery
  • Pleasure heals trauma
  • Treating the cheating partner
  • Video: case
  • Erotic shutdown
  • What is second adolescence?
  • Coping with reactivity
  • Lean in lean out – the dilemma of ending an affair
Creating long term sustainable relationship agreements
  • Trust, safety and the trap of forgiveness
  • Implicit vs explicit monogamy
  • Decrease rumination/blame/projection
  • Micro and Macro behaviors in treatment
  • Video: case
Handing Dishonesty

Vulnerable cycle

Long Term Monogamy Plan

Future Treatment Recommendations

Copyright : 19/04/2023

Treating Trauma with the Integrative Relationship Therapy Approach

In this third module of Tammy Nelson’s cutting-edge Integrative Relationship Therapy (IRT) Certification Program, Tammy shares with you her unique approach to working with trauma in the context of relationships. You’ll learn the most common types of trauma that occur in the context of relationships and discover special considerations for working with each. You will also learn how to navigate challenges around intimacy, sexuality and pleasure. In addition to learning her three-stage framework for treatment, you’ll also receive step-by-step guidance in using the Three Stage Erotic Recovery Plan. Integrating holistic approaches and multiple effective treatment modalities, this module offers you everything you need to effectives work with trauma recovery in relationships.

Program Information


  1. Articulate Tammy Nelson's three-stage framework for understanding trauma.
  2. Explain the impact of grief and loss as forms of trauma and how Integrative Relationship therapy treatment leads to positive treatment outcomes in these cases.
  3. Identify the concept of therapist trauma and evaluate its implications in the treatment of trauma.
  4. Discuss trauma triangulation" and analyze its potential impact on trauma treatment.
  5. Articulate the neurobiological changes that occur in the brain when an individual is reminded of trauma and explain how they relate to healing.
  6. Differentiate and explain the changes that occur in bot the higher and lower nervous systems when an individual is reminded of trauma.
  7. Describe the arousal cycle of anger and evaluate its significance in the context of trauma treatment.
  8. Analyze the role of stress hormones in both the development and perpetuation of PTSD.
  9. Recognize risk factors linked to the development of PTSD in trauma survivors and discuss the sociological factors that may contribute to its development and persistence.



  • Section 1:
    • The Three Stage Framework or IRT
    • The most common causes of trauma
    • The impact of trauma on the therapist
    • Understanding (and avoiding) trauma triangulation
    • Most frequently missed trauma symptoms - How trauma interacts with the body and the brain
    • How trauma impacts our thoughts, emotions and reactions
    • Is it trauma or PTSD? How to tell the difference
    • The biopsychosocial risk factors of trauma
  • Section 2:
    • Common types of traumatic experiences
    • The role of intersectionality in trauma
    • Responses to trauma: from suicide to resilience
    • Special considerations for childhood trauma
    • Trauma and sexuality
    • The Three Stage Erotic Recovery Plan step-by-step
    • A deeper look at triangulation and how to avoid it
    • Trauma and intimacy
    • Working with pleasure rejection
    • Special considerations for intergenerational trauma
  • Section 3:
    • Trauma and pleasure
    • Mastering the pacing of trauma treatment
    • Holistic approaches to healing
    • Working with systemic racism
    • A recipe for successful recovery
    • Treatment models for integration
    • BDSM and trauma


  • Why art expression is a critical component of trauma recovery
  • A brief history of art therapy
  • How to use The ACTIVE Treatment plan
  • The most common art therapies used with trauma


  • A session-by-session case deconstruction with Tammy Nelson

Copyright : 24/08/2023

Integrative Relationship Therapy and Monogamy Issues in Treatment

In this fourth module of Tammy Nelson’s cutting-edge Integrative Relationship Therapy (IRT) Certification Program, Tammy shares with you her unique approach to working with monogamy and divorce. You’ll discover the full spectrum of relationship types you may encounter in your practice and receive specific strategies for tailoring your treatment to match each unique relationship. Learn how to help your clients navigate everything from identifying the dilemma in their relationship to moving beyond betrayal. Then, Tammy will share insights about working with divorce and introduce you to the process of guiding clients through the process of having a successful intentional divorce. Drawing on lessons learned through research, nature, and more, this module offers you the insights and skills you need to successfully support partners at any stage of their relationship.

Program Information



Section 1:

  • Relationology: understanding the psychology of relationship
  • The evolution of marriage and divorce
  • Monogamy: A new revolution
  • What you need to know about Polyamory, Monogamy and Non-Monogamy
  • Why do people have affairs?
  • Note on limitations of research
  • The dangers of coercion in relationships and how to avoid it
  • The fluidity of commitment: A break down of the most common types
  • Working with parts: integrating what as dis-integrated

Section 2:

  • Key Interventions for working with relationships
  • Case Demonstration: How to intervene in the first session
  • The typical flow of therapy sessions
  • The process of co creating your ideal relationship
  • Strategies for improving communication among partners
  • Review of the three stages of an IRT session
  • Case Demonstration: Watching the narrative and identifying the dilemma
  • Making a monogamy agreement
  • Case Demonstration: Interventions for creating a new monogamy agreement
  • Creating a new vision for the relationship


  • Divorce rates and what really causes divorce
  • The biggest indicators that therapy won’t keep a relationship together
  • What do birds have to do with divorce
  • The critical ingredients of an intentional divorce
  • The five stages of successful therapy for divorce
  • The IRT approach to intentional divorce: Insights and interventions for each phase of treatment
  • Implications of separation: From changing finances to changing identity
  • Helping partners create a new vision for their future


  1. Describe the concept of polyamory and its growth as an alternative relationship style.
  2. Differentiate between various styles of monogamy and non-monogamy along the continuum of relationship structures.
  3. Analyze the dilemmas of integrity in CNM relationships and the potential interventions to address them.
  4. Explore the unique dynamics and tensions involved in holding multiple relationships within the context of CNM.
  5. Summarize the process of closing an Integrative Relationship Therapy (IRT) session, including appreciations and boundary-setting.
  6. Describe the process of creating a new vision for relationships through dialogues and self-disclosure.
  7. Review the three stages of an IRT session: Intro/Crisis, Middle/Insight, and Vision/Closure, and their respective objectives.
  8. Investigate the role of betrayal trauma in relationships and its impact on emotional patterns.
  9. Evaluate the effectiveness of couples therapy in preventing divorce, considering factors like commitment and willingness to change.
  10. Describe the therapist's strategies and interventions in different phases of divorce, including assessment, crisis management, and insight/intention phases.

Copyright : 24/08/2023

Integrative Relationship Therapy and The Future; Interventions for Contemporary Psychotherapy

In the fifth and final module of Tammy Nelson’s cutting-edge Integrative Relationship Therapy (IRT) Certification Program, you’ll learn about some of the most compelling topics in modern couple’s therapy. First, you’ll explore the rapidly developing world of sex and relationship technology. From Artificial Intelligence to the ethics of sex robots, Tammy will get you up to date on the future of sex. Then, you’ll take a comprehensive look at dilemmas related to sexuality and learn how to confidently work across the spectrums of gender, sexuality, and relationships. Plus, you’ll learn specific strategies and interventions for working with sex in your practice. Next, get familiar with one of the most cutting-edge developments in couples therapy- psychedelics. You’ll receive foundational information about psychedelics and discover how it can be used effectively with couples to help them achieve their goals. Finally, explore the critical roles of personal practice and self-care of the therapist. Get new insights and skills on how you can best care for yourself while caring for others.

Program Information


MODULE FIVE: Integrative Relationship Therapy and The Future; Interventions For Contemporary Psychotherapy


  • What Is A Healthy Relationship?
  • How to develop your ARK: Aesthetic Relational Knowing
  • A deeper look at the practice of integrative treatment: Understanding strengths and challenges
  • The current and future state of therapy: Helping clients from a distance
  • Working with endings: From divorce to death
  • When technology joins the relationship
  • The highs and lows of relationship with robots
  • The future of intimacy, relationships, and sex


  • The state of the world: From reproductive rights and Post-Roe Abortion to Trans rights and Don’t Say Gay
  • The gender spectrum, sexual orientation identities and the Gender Unicorn
  • Queer shading and LGBTQIA+ imposter syndrome
  • Helping your clients shape their own personal journey with sexuality
  • How to work with couples around sexual desire
  • How to use Sensate Focus in your practice
  • A step-by-step guide to Erotic Recovery that works for most relationships
  • Case Demonstration: Using IRT with a same-sex couple struggling with their sex life
  • Pleasure Disorders and how to help your clients overcome them
  • Exercises and questions for building intimacy
  • Creating an Erotic Vision
  • Overcoming desire discrepancy


  • What you need to know about Psychedelics and how it may benefit therapy
  • The benefits of Psychedelics Assisted-Psychotherapy for Couples
  • Ketamine therapy for couples


  • The benefits of personal practice and self-care
  • Effective strategies for therapist self-care
  • Defining your vision and mission
  • What can we learn from meaning-centered approaches


  1. Articulate the components of a healthy relationship within the context of current pathology paradigms.
  2. Apply Integrative Relationship Therapy (IRT) models within the context of contemporary psychotherapy, demonstrating the capacity to integrate IRT principles into their therapeutic practice.
  3. Debate the ethical and therapeutic implications stemming from advancements in artificial intelligence in the realm of sex and intimacy, demonstrating the ability to analyze, discuss and articulate the issues associated with this subject.
  4. Articulate the gender, orientation and sexual identity spectrums and demonstrate how to explore these topics with clients in session.
  5. Design and implement a therapeutic plan for facilitating erotic recovery, emphasizing the role of pleasure in fostering a healthy, balanced dynamic.
  6. Implement a three-step process of assessment, approach, and application to address pleasure-related issues in therapy.
  7. Summarize the evidence supporting the role of spiritual, existential and esoteric components in mediating psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT) and recognize the current lag in integrating these elements into the clinical setting.
  8. Articulate the psychotherapeutic components of psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT) with a focus on integrative relationship therapy, as it relates to evidence-based approaches to treatment.
  9. Describe two forms of personal practice, emphasizing their crucial role in therapist development, client outcomes, and interpersonal skill improvement.
  10. Discuss at least three common challenges to self-care and formulate a strategy for overcoming them in order to improve therapist functioning.

Copyright : 24/08/2023