Full Course Description

Attachment-Focused EMDR: Healing Developmental Deficits and Adults Abused as Children

Program Information


  1. Integrate an Attachment-Focus into the history taking and preparation phases of EMDR.
  2. Analyze the four most commonly used resources to install in EMDR therapy.
  3. Integrate attachment repair resources into EMDR therapy.
  4. Utilize attachment repair resources for different attachment styles, and analyze how this informs clinical treatment interventions.
  5. Demonstrate how to integrate love resources into Attachment-Focused EMDR therapy.
  6. Analyze how imagination and bilateral stimulation can be used to repair early developmental stages in clients.
  7. Determine when to adapt the standard EMDR protocol for clients with attachment wounds.
  8. Integrate an Attachment-Focus into the desensitization, installation, closure and re-evaluation phases of EMDR.
  9. Utilize the bridging technique in Attachment-Focused EMDR therapy.
  10. Utilize at least four interweave strategies in-session.


The five basic principles of Attachment-Focused EMDR and what is needed from the therapist

  1. Laying the groundwork for EMDR
  2. The five basic principles of Attachment-Focused EMDR
  3. What is needed from the EMDR Therapist for attachment repair
    1. Empathy and attunement
    2. The ability to spate “what is yours” from “what is the client’s”
    3. A “right-brain to right-brain” connections
    4. Body-sensing and mindfulness
Tapping in Resources, Utilizing Love Resources and Other Attachment Repair Resources
  1. Steps for installing resources
  2. Tapping In: The four most important resources
    1. Peaceful place
    2. Nurturing figures
    3. Inner wisdom figures
    4. Demonstration video: Tapping In Resources: Attachment-Focused EMDR for Social Anxiety, Part 1
Utilizing Love Resources and Other Attachment Repair Resources
  1. Creating New Parents
    1. Repairing developmental deficits
    2. Demonstration video: Repairing Birth Trauma
  2. Utilizing Love Resources
    1. Those you love and those who love you
    2. Circle of love
    3. Loving Kindness meditation
  3. Other Attachment Repair Resources
    1. Therapist as resource: What to do and what to avoid
    2. Moments of connection and healthy attachment
    3. Accessing positives
    4. Demonstration video preview: Attachment-Focused EMDR with a Client with Severe Early Sexual Abuse
Preparing Client for EMDR, Successful Target Development
  1. The Tragic Consequences of Abuse or Neglect
  2. Preparing Clients for EMDR
    1. Ego-strengthening techniques
    2. Resource installation
  3. Three phases of treatment
The Modified Protocol
  1. Modifying the standard EMDR procedural steps
    1. Resources
    2. Picture
    3. Emotions
    4. Body sensations
    5. Negative belief
    6. Bilateral stimulation
    7. Demonstration video: Attachment-Focused EMDR with a Client with Severe Early Sexual Abuse
Successful target development
  1. Installation, body scan and closure
  2. Successful target development
    1. Developing targets from distressing scenes, flashbacks, other sources
    2. The Bridging Technique: Its use in target development
Helping clients with processing difficulties and using interweaves
  1. Helping clients with processing difficulties
    1. Working with abreactions
    2. Helping clients who dissociate during EMDR
    3. Working with numbness, sleepiness and memory changing
  2. Interweave Strategies
  3. Demonstration Video: Using Interweaves

Copyright : 01/01/2015

Bonus: Attachment-Focused EMDR for an Eating Disorder

Program Information


  1. Demonstrate how to use EMDR in the therapeutic session for a dysfunctional behavior
  2. Use Attachment-Focused EMDR™ to aid in repairing a client’s unmet developmental needs.
  3. Analyze the history of the presenting problem to determine therapeutic needs.


  • Introduction of Laurel Parnell and EMDR
  • Introduction of session
  • Presenting the Problem
  • Exploring the History of the Presenting Problem
  • Installments
    • Peaceful Place
    • Nurturing Figure
    • Protector Figure
    • Wise Figure
    • Team of Inner Helpers
  • Looking for an Example of Bingeing from which to Bridge
  • Using the Bridging Technique to Find a Target
  • Bridging from Urge to Binge
  • Orienting Time and Place
  • Developing a Target
  • Checking the Target
  • Checking in with the Baby
  • Following a Somatic Channel
  • Returning to Target
  • Imagination Interweaves
    • Meet the Baby’s Needs
    • Moving Forward in Time
    • Exploring what the 9 year-old child needs
    • Meet 9 year-old’s needs
  • Checking for a Positive Cognition
  • Installing the PC
    • “I am Loved” with the “Movie”
  • Imagination Interweave
  • Checking with the Baby
  • Positive Cognition
    • “I can trust”
  • Installing the PC with the Baby Scene
  • Checking the Trigger to Binge Scene
  • Processing the Remaining Charge from the Trigger Scene
  • Doing a Reality Check
    • EMDR Can’t Change What is True
  • More Reality Checking
    • Is this something that needs to be addressed in her life now, or is this coming from the past?
  • Checking the New Scenario
    • New Future Scenario of Making Better Healthy Choices
    • Identifying an Area for Future Work
    • Imagining the Future Scenario with New Behavior
  • Checking the Work
    • Debriefing the session and identifying possible future work
  • Session Summary

Copyright : 01/01/2015

Bonus: Attachment-Focused EMDR to Heal a Relationship Trauma

Program Information


  1. Debate the importance of the therapeutic relationship and therapist flexibility in adapting to the client’s needs.
  2. Develop resources for overcoming roadblocks in the therapeutic session.
  3. Implement the modified protocol in therapeutic sessions with clients affected by a relationship trauma.


  • Introduction of Laurel Parnell and EMDR
  • Introduction of session
  • Exploring the Presenting Problem
  • History
  • Establishing the Bilateral Stimulation
  • Installments
    • Peaceful Place
    • Nurturing Figures
    • Protector Figures
    • Wise Figure
  • Checking the EMDR Target from Past Session
  • Picture
  • Attempting to Bridge to Find an Early Incident
    • Body Sensation
  • Modified Protocol
  • Checking the Target
  • Checking the SUDS
  • Socratic Interweaves
  • Checking the SUDS
  • Checking for a Positive Cognition (PC)
  • Body Scan
  • Checking the Recent Trigger
  • Processing the Trigger
  • Imagining a Future Scenario
  • Closure
  • Session Summary

Copyright : 01/01/2015

Bonus: Attachment-Focused EMDR for the Repair of Early Childhood Separation and Loss

Program Information


  1. Utilize Attachment-Focused EMDR™ with clients who have experienced trauma from early childhood separation and loss.
  2. Role-play the development and installation of resources in the therapeutic session.
  3. Implement EMDR techniques to find the target and help the client to feel grounded and at peace. 


  • Introduction of Laurel Parnell and EMDR
  • Introduction of session
  • Background of patient
  • Establishing the Bilateral Stimulation Preferences
  • Establishing Signal for Stop and Keep Going
  • Installments
    • Peaceful Place
    • Nurturing Figures
    • Protector Figures
    • Wise Figure
    • Inner Community
    • Team of Inner Resource
  • Target Development
    • Bridging from a negative cognition to find a target
  • Refining the Picture (Begin the Modified Protocol)
  • Emotions
  • Negative Cognition (Begin BLS for Desensitization)
  • Checking the Target with Child Self
  • Designing Imagination Interweaves
    • Repair/Meeting the Child’s Needs
  • Checking the Target with Child Self
  • Checking the SUDS
  • Split-screen Interweave
    • Sort Out the Past from the Present
  • Checking the Target
  • Installing a Positive Cognition (PC)
  • Checking the Present Situation
  • Checking for a New Positive Cognition
    • New Positive Scene Arises
  • New Positive Cognition
    • “I can forgive my mother.”
  • Checking the Body
  • Closing and Debriefing
  • Question and Answer Session

Copyright : 01/01/2015

Bonus: EMDR for PTSD from a Natural Disaster

Program Information


  1. Analyze the three parts of the modified EMDR protocol, and how the protocol informs clinical treatment interventions.
  2. Establish bilateral stimulation preferences with the client during the therapeutic session.
  3. Create resources and metaphors for safety and peace during while implementing the three-part protocol.


  • Establishing Bilateral Stimulation Preferences
  • Establishing a Signal for Stop and Keep Going
  • Create resources and metaphors for safety and peace
  • Target Development
  • Refining the Picture
  • Checking the Target with Child Self
  • Designing Imagination Interweaves
  • Checking the Target with Child Self
  • Checking the Target
  • Installing a Positive Cognition (PC)
  • Complete a Body Scan
  • Checking the Present Situation
  • Imagine a Future Pace
  • New Positive Cognition

Copyright : 01/01/2015

Bonus: EMDR for a Sleep Issue Related to Medical Trauma

Program Information


  1. Demonstrate the therapeutic use of eye movement and knee tapping bilateral stimulation techniques.
  2. Analyze Eye Movement demonstrations during the therapeutic intervention.
  3. Analyze processing blocks in clients experiencing sleep issues related to medical trauma.


  • Explore the presenting problem, symptoms and triggers
  • Review multiple Eye Movement demonstrations
  • Establish safe boundaries and preferences for bilateral stimulation
  • Create and install resources and metaphors for nurturing, wisdom and peace
  • Establish a signal for stop and keep going
  • Target development
  • Refine the picture or scene
  • Integrate bilateral stimulation
  • Check the target
  • Explore the processing block
  • Design and install imagination and Socratic interweaves
  • Revisit the picture or scene
  • Check the target
  • Install a positive cognition (PC)
  • Check the trigger scene
  • Process the trigger scene with new feelings
  • Check triggers
  • Closing and debriefing

Copyright : 01/01/2016

Bonus: Attachment-Focused EMDR for Early Child Sexual Abuse by a Stranger

Program Information


  1. Assess when the client has installed a good team of resources during the therapeutic session.
  2. Analyze the use of the modified protocol during therapeutic sessions.
  3. Analyze processing blocks in clients experiencing troubling present-day triggers due to early childhood sexual abuse.


  • Explore the presenting problem, symptoms and triggers
  • Establish safe boundaries and preferences for bilateral stimulation
  • Create and install resources and metaphors for nurturing, wisdom and peace
  • Establish a signal for stop and keep going
  • Target development
  • Refine the picture or scene
  • Integrate bilateral stimulation
  • Check the target
  • Explore the processing block
  • Design and install imagination and Socratic interweaves
  • Revisit the picture or scene
  • Check the target
  • Install a positive cognition (PC)
  • Check the trigger scene
  • Process the trigger scene with new feelings
  • Check triggers
  • Closing and debriefing

Copyright : 01/01/2015

Bonus: EMDR for Panic and Anxiety in an Overwhelmed Single Mother

Program Information


  1. Analyze the importance of processing multiple channels from one target as it relates to case conceptualization.
  2. Design and install imagination and resource interweaves.
  3. Analyze processing blocks in clients experiencing panic and anxiety.


  • Create and install resources and metaphors for safety and peace
  • Establish a signal for stop and keep going
  • Target development
  • Refine the picture or scene
  • Integrate bilateral stimulation
  • Check the target
  • Explore the processing block
  • Design and install imagination and resource interweaves
  • Revisit the picture or scene
  • Check the SUDS
  • Install a positive cognition (PC)
  • Check the trigger scene
  • Process the trigger scene with new feelings
  • Check triggers

Copyright : 01/01/2015

Bonus: Attachment-Focused EMDR for Panic and Anxiety

Copyright : 01/01/2014

Bonus: EMDR for Fear of Public Speaking


  • Explore the presenting problem, symptoms and triggers
  • Create and install resources and metaphors for nurturing, wisdom and peace
  • Establish a signal for stop and keep going
  • Set up a bridge from a recent example of anxiety to find a target
  • Develop the target using the modified protocol
  • Refine the picture or scene
  • Check the target
  • Check the Subjective Units of Disturbance Scale (SUDS)
  • Install a positive cognition (PC)
  • Check the trigger scene that we bridged from
  • Explore to see if there is another target to process
  • Target the anticipatory anxiety directly (without a bridge)
  • Check the trigger scene again and the SUDS
  • Bridge back from new feelings and beliefs
  • Recognize the negative cognition
  • Begin bilateral stimulation
  • Focus on the body
  • Check the SUDS
  • Process the trigger scene with positive cognition
  • Check the original scene
  • Check the imagined future scenarios for change
  • Closing and debriefing


  1. Recognize the installation of resources
  2. Apply the bridging technique to find targets linked to the presenting problem
  3. Outline use of the three-part protocol (past, present, future)
  4. Recognize when and how there can be multiple contributors and multiple targets linked to an issue or problem

Program Information


  1. Recognize the installation of resources
  2. Apply the bridging technique to find targets linked to the presenting problem
  3. Outline use of the three-part protocol (past, present, future)
  4. Recognize when and how there can be multiple contributors and multiple targets linked to an issue or problem


  • Explore the presenting problem, symptoms and triggers
  • Create and install resources and metaphors for nurturing, wisdom and peace
  • Establish a signal for stop and keep going
  • Set up a bridge from a recent example of anxiety to find a target
  • Develop the target using the modified protocol
  • Refine the picture or scene
  • Check the target
  • Check the Subjective Units of Disturbance Scale (SUDS)
  • Install a positive cognition (PC)
  • Check the trigger scene that we bridged from
  • Explore to see if there is another target to process
  • Target the anticipatory anxiety directly (without a bridge)
  • Check the trigger scene again and the SUDS
  • Bridge back from new feelings and beliefs
  • Recognize the negative cognition
  • Begin bilateral stimulation
  • Focus on the body
  • Check the SUDS
  • Process the trigger scene with positive cognition
  • Check the original scene
  • Check the imagined future scenarios for change
  • Closing and debriefing

Copyright : 01/01/2015