Healing from Affairs: Moving Past the Trauma of Betrayal and Infidelity

In this cutting-edge training, we will discuss the varieties of affairs and the many ways that relationships can heal from the betrayal that affects intimacy. We will review the stages of recovery that lead to long term healing. Issues around trust, forgiveness, new visions of monogamy, sexuality and connection for the future of the couple’s relationship will be addressed. The recording will include videos and case examples to illustrate how breaches of monogamy can affect potential ongoing connection.

We will look at integrity, narcissism, second adolescence, parallel love relationships, online affairs, pornography, sex addiction and emotional infidelity and their effect on sexuality, intimacy and emotional connection and how therapists can help restart communication. We will review three phases of treatment and the steps of the recovery process.

It is crucial to understand the triangulation that can occur when therapists do not explore their own bias and countertransference and we will look at how to avoid unintentional shaming and client retaliation. We will look at the power of the third in the relationship, including the therapeutic as well as the romantic. This recording will delve into the meaning of each type of affair and participants will learn interventions to help repair, restructure and redefine the future and help clients create a new monogamy for a stronger more insightful and connected partnership.

This recording will move beyond a victim, perpetrator and rescuer model of therapy and will create sustainable monogamy agreements where transparency and authenticity promote resiliency.