Integrative Relationship Therapy and The Future; Interventions for Contemporary Psychotherapy

In the fifth and final module of Tammy Nelson’s cutting-edge Integrative Relationship Therapy (IRT) Certification Program, you’ll learn about some of the most compelling topics in modern couple’s therapy. First, you’ll explore the rapidly developing world of sex and relationship technology. From Artificial Intelligence to the ethics of sex robots, Tammy will get you up to date on the future of sex. Then, you’ll take a comprehensive look at dilemmas related to sexuality and learn how to confidently work across the spectrums of gender, sexuality, and relationships. Plus, you’ll learn specific strategies and interventions for working with sex in your practice. Next, get familiar with one of the most cutting-edge developments in couples therapy- psychedelics. You’ll receive foundational information about psychedelics and discover how it can be used effectively with couples to help them achieve their goals. Finally, explore the critical roles of personal practice and self-care of the therapist. Get new insights and skills on how you can best care for yourself while caring for others.