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Explosive, Noncompliant, Disruptive, Aggressive Kids: What Works, What Doesn't and How to Turn It Around

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Ross Greene, Ph.D.
5 Hours 42 Minutes
Audio and Video
Nov 09, 2012
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Digital Recording
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We continue to struggle with and lose an astounding number of kids with social, emotional and behavioral challenges, because we handle them in ways that don’t work. They end up in detention and suspension, dropping out, on the streets, in restrictive therapeutic facilities and jail. All because we have a poor understanding of why they’re challenging and apply interventions that are punitive and obsolete.

Research in the neurosciences over the past 30 years has helped us understand that challenging behavior is a form of developmental delay. In other words, challenging kids lack crucial cognitive skills related to flexibility, adaptability, frustration tolerance and problem solving. Dr. Greene’s compassionate, effective, evidence-based model of solving problems collaboratively is a departure from conventional wisdom and reflects what we now know about challenging kids and how to help them.

Dr. Greene is a leading authority on challenging behavior and will revolutionize your approach to working with Explosive, Noncompliant, Disruptive, Aggressive Kids. His humorous, engaging and dynamic style along with the use of case studies and demonstrations will help you better understand challenging kids, better assess their needs and intervene in ways that actually help.



This online program is worth 5.75 hours CPD.



Ross Greene, Ph.D. Related seminars and products

Ross W. Greene, Ph.D., is Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and the originator of a model of psychosocial treatment for challenging kids called Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS). He is author of the highly-acclaimed books The Explosive Child and Lost at School and has also authored numerous articles, chapters and scientific papers on the effectiveness of the CPS model, the classification of and outcomes in youth with social, emotional and behavioral challenges and student-teacher compatibility. Dr. Greene's research has been funded by, among others, the Stanley Research Institute, the National Institute on Drug Abuse/National Institutes of Mental Health, the U.S. Department of Education and the Maine Juvenile Justice Advisory Group. He consults extensively to general and special education schools, inpatient and residential facilities and systems of juvenile detention, and lectures widely throughout the world.

Target Audience

Counselors, Social Workers, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Therapists, Marriage & Family Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Teachers, School Guidance Counselors, Case Managers, School Administrators, Educational Paraprofessionals, Nurses, Other Helping Professions that work with children


  1. Explain and interpret challenging behaviors in an entirely new way, setting the stage for more effective intervention
  2. Discuss why conventional reward and punishment procedures may not be effective for many challenging kids
  3. Assess the various cognitive skills found lacking in challenging kids
  4. Identify and prioritize unsolved problems precipitating challenging behavior
  5. Summarize the three basic mechanisms by which adults handle problems and unmet expectations in kids (Plans A, B, and C)
  6. Explain how the 3 ingredients of “Plan B” reduce the intensity and frequency of challenging behaviors
  7. Implement “Plan B” in schools, homes and restrictive therapeutic facilities


Explosive, Noncompliant, Disruptive and Aggressive Kids

  • Key Themes
  • Different Definitions of Function
  • Challenging Behavior as Developmental Delay
  • The Down-side of Diagnoses
  • The Can't Versus Won't Debate
  • Basic Ingredients of The Model of Solving Problems Collaboratively

Lagging Skills and Unsolved Problems

  • Useful Information: Identifying Lagging Skills and Unresolved Problems
  • Structuring the Assessment Process

Solving Problems

  • Three Plans for Solving Problems
  • Ingredients of Collaborative & Proactive Solutions
  • Troubleshooting Problems Implementing Plan B

Implementation in Families, Schools, and Restrictive Therapeutic Facilities

  • What it Looks Like
  • Front-Loading Key Implementation Ingredients
  • Q & A

Solutions for kids lacking in:

  • Executive skills
  • Language processing and communication skills
  • Emotional regulation skills
  • Cognitive flexibility skills
  • Social skills

Achieve dramatic success with kids who have:

  • ADHD
  • Depression
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Anxiety
  • Autism

Utilize Dr. Greene’s “Plan B” to reduce challenging behaviors by:

  • Solving problems collaboratively
  • Creating a “helping relationship”
  • Pursuing behavioral expectations
  • Teaching skills



Overall:      4.2

Total Reviews: 6


Kim W

"The presenter was very informative and I learned a new way of looking at problem solving"

felicia b

"More, please"

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