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Next Level Executive Function Strategies: Performance Improvement Solutions to Help Kids and Teens Get Organized, Manage Time and Complete Tasks

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Nicole R. Quint, Dr.OT, OTR/L
6 Hours 25 Minutes
Feb 05, 2021
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Digital Recording
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Watch this experiential program and learn evidence-based cognitive, physical and environmental strategies to help kids and teens take their Executive Function (EF) skills to the next level!

Easily integrated into any classroom, clinic, or home, these strategies promote self-regulation to allow students to attend and recall what they are learning, and then to be able to expand into higher level executive functions throughout the day. Most importantly, you will learn how to use goal attainment scaling to take your performance building strategies to build habits and routines—the key to independence and success!

You will learn proven skill-building and power driver interventions that are quick, individualized, and easy to use! Leave the day being able to implement:

  • A model of impulse control, working memory and flexible thinking as a lens for quick EF assessment and intervention
  • Classroom-friendly strategies to address sensory arousal and attention to build self-regulation
  • Performance focused interventions to promote organization, time management, and task completion
  • Brain-based techniques to increase mental shifting, enhance memory, and rev up learning
  • Strategies for sensory processing, arousal states, mindfulness and sleep to enhance recall, and increase retention of information
  • Techniques to increase self-awareness, self-monitoring and problem-solving skills
  • Environmental strategies to create an optimal learning landscape

This program will teach you a collaborative method of skill to performance building approaches, as well as adaptive and compensatory strategies as a “1-2 punch” to help kids and teens be proactive, socially and academically successful, with an end goal of independence! Your competence will translate to their confidence! PURCHASE NOW!



This online program is worth 6.5 hours CPD.



Nicole R. Quint, Dr.OT, OTR/L's Profile

Nicole R. Quint, Dr.OT, OTR/L Related seminars and products

Dept of Occupational Therapy

Nova Southeastern University

Nicole R. Quint, Dr.OT, OTR/L, is a licensed occupational therapist with more than 15 years of experience in pediatric practice, specializing in sensory processing, executive functioning skills, behavioral strategies and social emotional learning. Her clinical practice includes work in the hospital, home health, outpatient, and school-based settings. Currently an associate professor at Nova Southeastern University’s Department of Occupational Therapy, Dr. Quint provides instruction in both the masters and doctoral programs since 2009. She provides consulting services specific to advocacy in the schools, organizational conflict assessments, leadership, program development and evaluation, as well as innovative practice development. Her research focus includes adults with sensory processing disorder, autism and vision, and sensory based interventions.

Dr. Quint has developed programs to promote sensory processing as a foundation for learning, social emotional learning and development to promote performance in all areas. She has an expansive presence in local, state and national conference platforms, including Region 7 South Occupational Therapy Group; Florida Occupational Therapy Association (FOTA); American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA); Section on Pediatrics Annual Conference; Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Annual Conference (SoPAC, APPTA); as well as presenting at the Canadian Occupational Therapy Conference in 2018. Dr. Quint provides professional development trainings for continuing education through, Arizona Autism,,, TheraCare AZ.

Dr. Quint heads the Making Sense of SPD Parent Support Group in Davie, FL, which works toward education, advocacy, and support for families living with SPD. She is the co-creator of It Just Makes Sense, a grant-funded professional development program for the occupational and physical therapists working in Broward County Public Schools, the sixth largest school district in the nation. Dr. Quint is completing her PhD in conflict analysis and resolution, focusing on conflict related to disabilities and systems, including special education, legal systems, and health care.


Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Nicole Quint maintains a private practice. She is a professor at Nova Southwestern University and an independent contractor with Western Psychological Services. Nicole Quint receives a speaking honorarium, recording royalties, and a consultant fee from PESI, Inc. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Nicole Quint is a member of the American Occupational Therapy Association and the Florida Occupational Therapy Association.


  1. Utilize the developmental patterns for the three foundational components of executive function (EF) to create lens for assessment and intervention.
  2. Develop mindfulness, physical activity, positive reinforcement and environmental interventions and assign as homework, classwork and activities of daily living (ADLs) for children and adolescents.
  3. Investigate the neurological connections between attention, arousal, and memory that affect executive function performance in ADLs, academics and social participation.
  4. Conclude the relationship between postural control, attention, vision and executive functions as it relates to assessment and treatment planning.
  5. Determine the influence of sleep on executive function performance and the consequences of arousal challenges with sleep onset difficulties.
  6. Utilize goal attainment scaling as an intervention to improve client’s self-management skills, habit formation and routinization.


The “Big 3” of Executive Function (EF): Impulse Control, Working Memory and Flexible Thinking

  • Developmental processes to guide assessment and intervention
  • Dysfunction patterns in ADHD, ASD, SPD, LD and mental health
  • Impact on behaviours, reading/writing performance, and self-regulation
  • Primitive brain vs. logical brain and their influence
  • Trauma and risk factors

Create Neuro Connections to Optimize EF Development

  • Arousal states and opening the “window of opportunity for learning”
  • Vision and learning: Consequences for attention and EF
  • Seating postures and relationship to attention and self-regulation
  • Sleep and influence on learning, self-regulation, memory and attention

Assessment: From Essential Observations to Standardized Tools

  • Easy to use process checklist to get to the core of EF needs
  • Connecting the “Big 3” to attention and learning space
  • Quick sleep tools to identify needs to maximize EF
  • Identify the 3As and how they fluctuate throughout the day
  • Video Case example: School-aged child with ADHD and SPD

Skill-Building Strategies That Get Big Results!

  • Classroom-friendly strategies to address sensory arousal
  • Self-talk process to promote metacognition, planning and self-management
  • Mnemonics, chunking and storytelling to enhance recall and retention of information
  • Systems-based approaches that help children manage materials
  • Quick tips for implementing elements of martial arts, physical activity and yoga
  • Video case examples: Effectively implement skill building strategies

Power Driver Interventions That Take Performance to the Next Level!

  • Mindfulness: Metacognition in practice to WORK that memory techniques fail
  • Self-regulation strategies with the “POWER! Batteries”
  • The magic dust for building habits and routines
  • Fun games to for time management and organization skills
  • Brain hacks to increase mental shifting, enhance memory, and rev up learning
  • Use activity analysis of evidence-based approaches to encourage EF development

Connecting the Dots to Create the Optimal Learning Landscape

  • Adaptive seating to promote learning and self-regulation
  • Sleep strategies to share with parents
  • Positive reinforcement and systems thinking to promote organized habits
  • Utilize daily observation charts and goal attainment scaling to meet goals
  • 504 and IEP accommodation design strategies
  • Video Case Examples: Implementing adaptation strategies 

Target Audience

  • Occupational Therapists
  • Occupational Therapy Assistants
  • Physical Therapists
  • Physical Therapy Assistants
  • Speech Language Pathologists
  • SPED Teachers and Staff
  • GEN ED Teachers and Staff
  • Counselors
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists
  • School Administrators



Overall:      5

Total Reviews: 1


Ellen M

"This was my first webinar ever and I really enjoyed it! Thank you! "

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