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Social-Emotional Learning from the Inside Out: Teaching Kids Interoceptive Awareness Skills to Build Insight, Empathy, and Compassion

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Daniel J. Siegel, MD
1 Hour
Oct 11, 2022
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Digital Recording
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In this recorded session, view Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, world-renowned neuropsychiatrist, for this 1-hour recording where he breaks down the neuroscience of interoceptive awareness – the gateway for insight, empathy, compassion, and self-regulation.  

Drawing from his new social-emotional learning framework, NowMaps, Dr. Siegel shares concrete tools for teaching kids and tweens to:

  • Create space between impulse and action 

  • Observe their inner experience 

  • Assess their internal state of being 

  • Direct their attention and energy in helpful ways 


Planning Committee Disclosure - No relevant relationships

All members of the PESI, Inc. planning committee have provided disclosures of financial relationships with ineligible organizations and any relevant non-financial relationships prior to planning content for this activity. None of the committee members had relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies or other potentially biasing relationships to disclose to learners.  For speaker disclosures, please see the faculty biography.


This online program is worth 1 hours CPD.


Daniel J. Siegel, MD's Profile

Daniel J. Siegel, MD Related seminars and products

Mindsight Institute

Daniel J. Siegel, MD, is a graduate of Harvard Medical School and completed his postgraduate medical education at UCLA with training in pediatrics and child, adolescent, and adult psychiatry. He is currently a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine, founding co-director of UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center, founding co-investigator at the UCLA Center for Culture, Brain and Development, and executive director of the Mindsight Institute, an educational center devoted to promoting insight, compassion, and empathy in individuals, families, institutions, and communities.

Dr. Siegel's psychotherapy practice spans thirty years, and he has published extensively for the professional audience. He serves as the Founding Editor for the Norton Professional Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology which includes over 70 textbooks. Dr. Siegel's books include his five New York Times bestsellers: Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence; Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain, Mind: A Journey to the Heart of Being Human, and two books with Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D, The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline. His other books include:The Power of Showing Up also with Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D., The Developing Mind, The Pocket Guide to Interpersonal Neurobiology, Mindsight, The Mindful Brain, The Mindful Therapist, Parenting from the Inside Out (with Mary Hartzell, M.Ed.), and The Yes Brain (also with Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D). He has been invited to lecture for the King of Thailand, Pope John Paul II, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Google University, and TEDx.

Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Dr. Dan Siegel is the medical director with Lifespan Learning Institute and is the executive director with Center for Human Development and Mindsight Institute, and the founding editor with Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology. He has employment relationship with the University of Washington and UCLA School of Medicine. Dr. Siegel receives royalties as a published author. He receives a speaking honorarium and recording royalties from PESI, Inc. He has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Dr. Dan Siegel is an honorary member of the Austrian Federal Association for Mindfulness and serves on the Garrison Institute Board. He is an advisory board member with Gloo, Blue School, and Convergence.


  1. Differentiate the two basic components of the mind as a regulatory process. 

  1. Appraise how neuroplasticity enables the brain to mediate insight and empathy. 

  1. Determine the connection between interoception and regulation. 


What is interoceptive awareness? 

The brain’s role in developing insight, empathy, compassion, and self-regulation 

The relationship between interoception and regulation 

Supporting kids and tweens in their SEL development 

Target Audience

  • Counselors
  • Psychologists
  • Social Workers
  • Marriage and Family Therapists
  • Addictions Counselors


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