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The Internal Family Systems Approach to Psychedelic Experiences

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Richard C. Schwartz, PhD
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Jul 28, 2022
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Digital Recording
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The psyche is a delicate ecosystem and psychedelics are powerful agents that can affect it profoundly.  That effect can be very positive but also there is the potential for extreme disruption.  We propose a non-pathologizing map based on Internal Family Systems Therapy to this inner territory that helps facilitators and subjects alike maintain steady presence and not overreact to sometimes dramatic shifts. This session will address probable risks and benefits and suggest this as a model for further research. 

This product is not endorsed by, sponsored by, or affiliated with the IFS Institute and does not qualify for IFS Institute credits or certification. 


Planning Committee Disclosure - No relevant relationships All members of the PESI, Inc. planning committee have provided disclosures of financial relationships with ineligible organizations and any relevant non-financial relationships prior to planning content for this activity. None of the committee members had relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies or other potentially biasing relationships to disclose to learners. For speaker disclosures, please see the faculty biography.


This online program is worth 1 hours CPD.



Richard C. Schwartz, PhD's Profile

Richard C. Schwartz, PhD Related seminars and products

IFS Institute

Richard Schwartz began his career as a family therapist and an academic at the University of Illinois at Chicago. There he discovered that family therapy alone did not achieve full symptom relief, and in asking patients why, he learned that they were plagued by what they called "parts." These patients became his teachers as they described how their parts formed networks of inner relationship that resembled the families he had been working with. He also found that as they focused on and, thereby, separated from their parts, they would shift into a state characterized by qualities like curiosity, calm, confidence and compassion. He called that inner essence the Self and was amazed to find it even in severely diagnosed and traumatized patients. From these explorations, the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model was born in the early 1980s.

IFS is now evidence-based and has become a widely-used form of psychotherapy, particularly with trauma. It provides a non-pathologizing, optimistic, and empowering perspective and a practical and effective set of techniques for working with individuals, couples, families, and more recently, corporations and classrooms.

In 2013, Schwartz left the Chicago area and now lives in Brookline, MA where he is on the faculty of the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.


Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Dr. Richard Schwartz is the Founder and President of the IFS Institute. He maintains a private practice and has an employment relationship with Harvard Medical School. He receives royalties as a published author. Dr. Schwartz receives a speaking honorarium, recording, and book royalties from Psychotherapy Networker and PESI, Inc. He has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Dr. Richard Schwartz is a fellow of Meadows Behavioral Healthcare and is a member of the American Family Therapy Academy and the American Association for Marital and Family Therapy. He is a contributing editor for Family Therapy Networker. Dr. Schwartz serves on the editorial boards for the Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, the Contemporary Family Therapy, the Journal of Family Psychotherapy, and the Family Therapy Collections.


  1. Evaluate the development and history of Internal Family Systems therapeutic approach. 
  2. Propose three characteristics of the impact of psychedelics on the psyche from the Internal Family System perspective. 
  3. Theorize a proposed way IFS can be used with psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy to enhance treatment outcomes. 
  4. Analyze the key facilitation skills needed to anticipate, and not overreact to, IFS work and parts work reactions. 
  5. Appraise the risks and benefits of such a framework for psychedelic-assisted psychotherapies.


  • The IFS Model 
  • Theories of IFS in psychedelic-assisted sessions 
  • Demonstration video 
  • The concept of “Self” in both therapist and client in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy 
  • Risks and benefits of this theorized approach 


Target Audience

  • Addiction Counsellors
  • Counselors
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Nurses
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Physicians
  • Psychologists
  • Social Workers
  • Other Behavioral Health Professionals



Overall:      4.9

Total Reviews: 2005

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