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Treating Survivors of Coercive Control in Narcissistic Abuse

A Comprehensive Trauma-Based Treatment Model

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Christine Cocchiola, DSW, LCSW
5 Hours 14 Minutes
Audio and Video
Oct 11, 2024
Product Code:
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Digital Recording
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So many victims of Coercive Control -Narcissistic Abuse do not realize they are being victimized. Individuals assume that if they have not suffered physical violence, then they have not been abused. The systems often align with this way of interpreting abuse. Unfortunately, looking through the “violent incident model” does not give us the full picture of how and why abuse occurs: Abuse is about exerting power over another - coercive control. Coercive control is the underpinning of all abuse and victims-survivors need the support of their mental health professionals in identifying and escaping the abuse, whether it is overt or covert.  

  • Learn how coercive control (narcissistic abuse) is inflicted upon victim-survivors and how even the most astute of us can miss the signs.  
  • This all-new evidence-based training will fully prepare you to treat victims-survivors as they navigate escaping the abuse, including the further infliction of coercive control post-separation, known as post-separation abuse.  
  • Systems often perceive these cases as “high conflict” failing to recognize the often covert abuses that are occurring to everyone within the family system. The use of psychological, financial, legal, and sexual abuse - and worse, the weaponization of children is often diminished or entirely dismissed.   
  • You’ll get the most up-to-date and trauma-based approach from one of the world’s leading experts in coercive control - the underpinning of domestic abuse.  
  • Come learn how to be the best clinician and ally you can be for these clients who are in critical need of expert help and guidance in today’s modern world. 



This online program is worth 5.25 hours CPD.



Christine Cocchiola, DSW, LCSW's Profile

Christine Cocchiola, DSW, LCSW Related seminars and products

Christine Marie Cocchiola, DSW, LCSW, a college professor teaching social work for the last 20 years, has been a social justice advocate since the age of 19, volunteering for a local domestic violence/sexual assault agency. Her doctoral work focused on the experiences of adult and child victims of coercive control as a form of domestic violence. She understands the impact that coercive control has on adult and child victims and her expertise as a trauma trained therapist, a researcher, and a protective mother is focused on supporting these vulnerable populations.

Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Dr. Christine Cocchiola maintains a private practice and is CEO & President of Coercive Control Counseling, Inc. She has employment relationships with NYU Silver School of Social Work, UCONN School of Social Work, SCSU School of Social Work, and Naugatuck Valley Community College. She is the founding member of International Coercive Control Conference. Dr. Cocchiola receives royalties as a published author. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Dr. Christine Cocchiola is a Founding Member of the International Coercive Control Conference and a Board Member of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.


  1. Develop or create a greater understanding of Coercive Control and the tactics used by Coercive Controllers [abusers] to harm adult and child victims. 
  2. Examine the implications of Systemic Coercive Control and the harms inflicted on victims-survivors. 
  3. Demonstrate and interpret an understanding of the traumatic experiences of adult and child victims-survivors. 
  4. Create a greater awareness that children in these family systems, whether the abuse is covert or overt, are beyond “witnesses” or “exposed to” but victims of the abusive parent.  
  5. Explore the ways that advocates, mental health professionals, court professionals can readily miss the mark in seeing cases as “high conflict” vs. abuse.  
  6. Differentiate between the personality traits of coercive controllers and their victims including the subtle tactics abusers use to control victims that goes beyond the traditional understanding of narcissism.  
  7. Build a toolbox of best practices for supporting victims-survivors including in the therapeutic interventions that will support this vulnerable population.



Overall:      4.9

Total Reviews: 18

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