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By registering for this workshop which includes consultation, you agree that everything shared during the consultation sessions is protected by confidentiality and must not be discussed outside of this time. Please ensure to protect your clients’ anonymity and adhere to your own confidentiality contracts if discussing any client material.

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Live Free Workshop
Using Sensorimotor Psychotherapy To Treat Complex Trauma:
Practice Proven Body-Based Techniques for Your Most Difficult Clients

With Sensorimotor Psychotherapy founder Pat Ogden, PhD and SPI® trainer Tracy Jarvis, MSc!
EXCLUSIVE - submit your client case for personalised consultation!
21 - 22 November from 15:00 - 18:15 GMT

Can't attend live? Register anyway for 7-day free access to the recording!
*CPD and unlimited access to the recording are available for an additional cost.
Register for more information.

Bessel van der Kolk

“I hope that every therapy training programme will put Sensorimotor Psychotherapy near the top of its required reading list.”

Bessel van der Kolk, world-leading trauma treatment innovator and author of the New York Times bestseller The Body Keeps the Score.
What's Included

Whether you’re new to Sensorimotor Psychotherapy or are already utilising it within your current practice, this workshop will equip you with the theory and practical knowledge you need to begin incorporating its techniques with your clients.

You will join Sensorimotor Psychotherapy founder and master clinician Pat Ogden, PhD, and SPI® trainer and specialist Tracy Jarvis, MSc, and discover how you can:

  • Utilise body-based interventions with parts work for all-encompassing healing and increased resilience
  • Gain access to deeply held trauma, emotions and beliefs traditional talk therapy alone cannot reach
  • Stabilise and heal clients through SP’s unique movement and posture techniques
  • Recognise complex trauma symptoms through your client’s body language
  • Work effectively with acute client dysregulation including dissociation
  • Draw on the therapeutic relationship for optimal rapport and processing
  • And so much more!

Join Sensorimotor Psychotherapy founder and master clinician Pat Ogden, PhD and SPI® trainer and specialist Tracy Jarvis, MSc on 21 – 22 November and you’ll receive:

  • Live expert-led content absolutely free
  • Chance to submit a case for personalised consultation from Dr Pat Ogden and Tracy Jarvis, MSc
  • In-depth clinical instruction through experiential exercises, real-life client footage and more
  • On-demand access to the recording for 7 days
  • Option to upgrade to earn up to 6 CPD hours* and unlimited access to the recording
  • And the opportunity to get your questions answered live during the workshop

*Please note the group consultation sessions will not be recorded for confidentiality reasons. You must attend these sessions live to earn CPD hours for them.

Janina Fisher

“Sensorimotor Psychotherapy directly addresses the effects of trauma on the nervous system and body without the need to use touch. Clients report an appreciation of its gentle and empowering interventions.”

Dr Janina Fisher, an international expert on the treatment of trauma, author of Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Self-Alienation and Transforming the Living Legacy of Trauma: A Workbook for Survivors and Therapists.
Schedule Per Day
15:00 - 16:30 GMT
16:30 - 16:45 GMT
16:45 - 18:15 GMT
Meet The Experts
Pat Ogden

PAT OGDEN, PhD, is a pioneer in somatic psychology, the creator of the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy method, and the founder of the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute. Dr Ogden is a clinician, consultant, international lecturer, and the first author of two groundbreaking books in somatic psychology: Trauma and the Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Interventions for Trauma and Attachment (2015).

Her third book, The Pocket Guide to Sensorimotor Psychotherapy in Context, advocates for an anti-racist perspective in psychotherapy practice. Her current interests include couple therapy, child and family therapy, social justice, diversity, inclusion, consciousness, and the philosophical/spiritual principles that underlie her work.

Click here for information about Pat Ogden.


Tracy Jarvis

TRACY JARVIS, MSc, is a registered psychotherapist and has more than 20 years' experience in the field of psychology and mental health. Tracy has an integrative background with a specialism in neuroscience and studies how Sensorimotor Psychotherapy intersects with other trauma modalities as well as the interface between science and trauma treatment.

More widely, Tracy is a Senior Consultant to the Division of Psychology and Language Sciences at University College London. Tracy has a specialist private practice in PTSD and complex trauma and teaches, advises, and consults on trauma for various organisations worldwide.

Click here for information about Tracy Jarvis.


Who Should Attend?
This workshop is intended for all mental health professionals working with trauma including Psychotherapists, Counsellors, IAPT Practitioners, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers, Nurses, and other mental health professionals.
This workshop is absolutely free to watch live. Capacity is limited. Don’t miss out – reserve your spot today!
Live Free Workshop
Using Sensorimotor Psychotherapy To Treat Complex Trauma:
Practice Proven Body-Based Techniques for Your Most Difficult Clients

With Sensorimotor Psychotherapy founder Pat Ogden, PhD and SPI® trainer Tracy Jarvis, MSc!
EXCLUSIVE - submit your client case for personalised consultation!
21 - 22 November from 15:00 - 18:15 GMT

Can't attend live? Register anyway for 7-day free access to the recording!
*CPD and unlimited access to the recording are available for an additional cost.
Register for more information.

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