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Clients who are eager to reduce frustrating symptoms caused by anxiety, depression, ADHD, and other mental health disorders often turn to holistic approaches like diet and nutrition to help ease their symptoms.

Many clients self-prescribe based on information obtained on the Internet or their friends. While many of these clinical methods have few negative side effects, some herbal supplements, juice fasts, and other "apparently" healthy activities can have significant adverse outcomes if not tailored to the individual's psychobiology.

As a clinician, it can be intimidating when clients start asking you for guidance on how to use nutrition to improve their well-being. Suddenly you find yourself thinking, "I'm not a nutritional therapist, I'm not trained for that!" And, "What am I allowed to do, ethically?"

...but it doesn't have to be hard or complicated.

That's why I created this exclusive, online certification training designed to be your practical guide through the complex relationship between what we eat and the way we think, feel, and interact with the world.

Join me today and I'll provide you safe, effective, and affordable evidence-based holistic approaches that will help your clients achieve optimal health and wellness while preventing and treating common mental health problems.

From anxiety and depression to schizophrenia and PTSD, you'll discover how nutritional and integrative medicine can work alongside and even replace medications to alleviate symptoms and support mental health.

You'll end this course fully prepared to start providing your clients personalized care from an array of scientific disciplines proven to improve their mood and mental health.

Bonus! Now you can become a Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional (CIMHP). Complete this online certification course to fulfill the educational requirements you need to advance your career. Learn more below...
Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional (CIMHP) Training Course
Nutritional and Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Professionals

Valued at £620.06
Today Only £299.99 (VAT Inclusive) — An Unbelievable Value!
Earn up to 17.5 CPD Hours (+1.5 bonus CPD Hours) included in the price!
This training meets the educational requirements to
become a Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional (CIMHP)

Learn more about certification.
"The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." – Thomas A. Edison
Here's what you'll learn in this certification training...
  1. Improve mood and behavior using micro- and macronutrients
  2. Ideas for practical, affordable, and individualized diets along with optimal cooking methods and recipes
  3. Safely and ethically use integrated and nutritional medicine within your professional discipline's scope of practice
  4. Improve assessment by learning to differentiate between a clinical presentation of mental illnesses vs. nutritional and/or hormonal imbalances
  5. Customize treatment plans through six unique nutritional methods for clients with mood lability
  6. Nourish both the brain and the gut, the "second brain," through key nutrients
  7. Learn to identify gluten and casein sensitivity with the presentation of depression, psychosis, and ASD in clients
  8. Implement evidence-based protocols for nutritional and herbal approaches for six DSM-5® categories
  9. Evaluate how client eating patterns may influence their mental health by using a food-mood assessment tool
  1. Increase compliance by using the DSM-5® Cultural Formulation tool to inform your treatment planning process
  2. Prevent side effects of polymedicine use through evaluation of drug-nutrient-herbal interactions
  3. Decrease dissociative symptoms in clients through stage-specific anaerobic and aerobic exercise and self-care methods
  4. Improve focus for clients with anxiety disorders with breathing techniques to reduce hyperventilation
  5. Adapt complementary and alternative methods for children and teens with behavioral and mental health disorders such as ADHD and ODD
  6. Learn when psychotropic medications, herbal medicines, and nutrients can be harmful to clients
  7. Improve anxiety and depression symptoms with essential fatty acids
  8. Discover how circadian rhythm contributes to depression, PTSD, and bipolar disorder
  9. Evaluate the impact of blood sugar and genetic variations on mental health disorders and effective treatment
Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional (CIMHP) Training Course
Nutritional and Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Professionals

Value at £620.06
Today Only £299.99 (VAT Inclusive) — An Unbelievable Value!
Through 13 comprehensive video modules you'll learn the principles and strategies you need to add the power of nutrition, diet, and digestion to your clinical toolbox — forever changing your approach to client care and enhancing the efficacy of all your other clinical methods.

By integrating evidence-based tools and strategies with extensive clinical experience, Dr. Leslie Korn will take you step-by-step through the essentials of using nutritional and integrative medicine so you can improve your clients' mental health and well-being.

Throughout the course, you'll have opportunity to examine case examples, ask questions, develop new assessment skills, and explore both metaphorical and scientific language that allows for effective communication with clients. You'll also explore...
Clinical Application and Evidence-Based Research
Scope of Practice Information
  • Nutritional therapies
  • Culinary medicine
  • Behavioral medicine
  • Nutritional supplementation
  • Herbal medicine
  • Hydrotherapies for mood management
  • Aromatherapy
  • Bodywork therapies
  • Acupuncture and cranial electrical stimulation
  • Sound and music for insomnia and mood Light & dark therapies
  • Stage appropriate yoga for anxiety, pain and PTSD
  • Integrative detoxification for addiction
  • Learn to conduct a basic nutritional food/ mood assessment
  • Learn to conduct an adrenal stress and biological rhythm assessment
  • Culture and ethnicity assessment and treatment
  • The Cultural Formulation Interview and CAM methods
  • 3 Basic lab tests for optimal mental health
The Psychology of Change Using Integrative Approaches
Balancing the sleep/wake cycle in depression, bipolar disorder, and PTSD
  • Balancing circadian rhythm in depression, bipolar, PTSD
  • Applying special yogic breathing exercises for mental health
  • Enhance sleep and address insomnia
The Complex Relationships between Mental and Physical Health
  • Strategies to reduce inflammation: the major factor in depression, anxiety, bipolar, and ADHD
  • Chronic illness, fibromyalgia
  • Anxiety and digestion
  • The Second brain: microbiome, probiotics and GABA, and anxiety
  • Sleep, adrenal health, and rhythms
  • Anger, alcohol abuse, and liver health
  • Genetics, depression and brain
  • PTSD and auto immune, addictions, and cognition
  • ADHD, ASD, and food sensitivities
  • Integrative approach recovery from addictions
Beyond Pharmaceutical Management
  • Address clients concerns and provide alternatives to psychotropics
  • Herbal medicine for mental health
  • Strategies for coming off or reducing psychotropic
  • Ayurvedic medicine and mental health
  • Exercise: aerobic, anaerobic, yoga, core, land, and water based
  • Sound and music for insomnia, anxiety, and anger
  • Toning, binaural music
Nutrition, Diet and Culinary Medicine
  • Food as "brain-mind-medicine"
  • Fats: essential fatty acids, toxic fats, fish oil
  • Protein: the building blocks of happiness
  • What nutrients improve mental health and cognitive function
  • Vitamins, minerals, glandulars, and special nutrients for the non-nutritionist
  • Hormones
  • Balance blood sugar to balance mood
  • Cultural and genetic variations
  • Enhance digestion for mental health
  • Thyroid function and mental health
Herbal Medicine
  • Seven major herbs for PTSD, anxiety, depression, sleep, and cognitive health
  • Endocannabinoid deficit theory
  • Cannabis and psychedelic medicine
  • THC versus CBD
  • Evidence for medical cannabis for mental health
  • PTSD and chronic pain
  • Smell, mood and cognition
  • Evidence for essential oils to alter mood and cognition
Special Issues Across the Lifespan
  • Children: supporting sleep, focus, mood, and attention
  • Alternatives to psychotropics for ADHD
  • Middle life: peri-menopause, menopause, andropause
  • Preventing cognitive decline
  • Nutrition and integrative methods to support people with dementia and their caregivers
Somatic Therapies, Acupuncture and New Approaches
  • The spectrum of somatic and bodywork therapies
  • The NADA protocol for addictions
  • Cranial electrical stimulation for PTSD, insomnia, and optimal cognition
Comprehensive Non-Pharmaceutical Treatment Plans and Protocols for Treating the DSM-5® Disorders
  • Depression & Seasonal Affect Disorder
  • Anxiety, PTSD and Complex Trauma
  • Bipolar
  • ADHD
  • Body Dysmorphia
  • OCD
  • Bulimia
  • Insomnia
  • Addictions
Develop a Niche Practice
  • The ethics and scope of your practice: ethics, law, and competency
  • Build an integrative health team
  • When and where to refer clients
  • Where to find the right provider
  • Develop a niche practice as a certified specialist
  • Professional organizations and more training
  • Controversies and hot topics
Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional (CIMHP) Training Course
Nutritional and Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Professionals

Valued at £620.06
Today Only £299.99 (VAT Inclusive) — An Unbelievable Value!
Earn up to 17.5 CPD Hours (+1.5 bonus CPD Hours) included in the price!
This training meets the educational requirements to
become a Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional (CIMHP)

Learn more about certification.
Are you ready to step into the life awaiting you as a Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional (CIMHP)?
This course fulfills the educational requirements to becoming a Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional (CIMHP) through the Mental Health Integrative Medicine Institute.

Click Here to Learn More About the Certification >
Get Certified and Go Further... Become a Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional (CIMHP) and show your employer, clients, potential clients, and fellow professionals your commitment to honing your skills and staying up to date on holistic treatments.


Professional Reputation and Credibility
Distinguish yourself from your peers and increase your opportunities for career advancement, earning potential, and client growth. Certification is a personal accomplishment and unbiased barometer of your skills.
Client Trust
Provide assurance to consumer and clients when you display your certification. When you complete your certification, they can be confident you are providing them with the best tools and strategies for improving clinical outcomes.
Enroll today and you'll get these FREE Bonus items — A £70.18 value!
Digital Download | Eat Right, Feel Right: Over 80 Recipes and Tips to Improve Mood, Sleep, Attention & Focus
By: Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, LMHC
Improve mood, sleep and focus with these nutrient-rich recipes and handy tips. Eat Right, Feel Right teaches you the do's and don'ts of using ingredients in entrees, snacks, soups, smoothies and dressings to make you an at-home mental health chef.

  • Focus inducing capabilities of lemons and chocolate
  • How to start a love affair with beets
  • The anxiety reducing powers of vinegar
  • How sweet potatoes support an immune system under stress
  • Benefits of watermelon as a sleep aid
  • Which foods to avoid
  • And much more!
Digital Download: Eat Right, Feel Right
Digital Download | Multicultural Counseling Workbook: Exercises, Worksheets & Games to Build Rapport with Diverse Clients
By: Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, LMHC
Cultural competency begins with knowing who you are. Interactive, engaging and fun, this workbook is filled with valuable exercises, worksheet, games, and clinical strategies to help you become more culturally competent.

Use this powerful tool to explore cultural communities, religion, spirituality, gender, sexuality, and disability. You'll find unique activities to help you reflect on your own attitudes, prejudices, and develop new skills for working with and building rapport with diverse clients.
  • Group Discussion Questions
  • Client Worksheets
  • Multimedia Resources
  • Strategies for Client Engagement
  • Mindfulness & Meditation Activities
  • Therapist Worksheets, Exercises, and Case Vignettes
Digital Download: Eat Right, Feel Right
Plus, Access an Exclusive Q&A Call Recording
Join Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, LMHC, for a Q&A call recording where she will address questions from course attendees and share additional insight into using nutritional and integrative medicine in your clinical practice.
Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional (CIMHP) Training Course
Nutritional and Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Professionals

Value at £620.06
Today Only £299.99 (VAT Inclusive) — An Unbelievable Value!
About Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, LMHC
Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, LMHC
Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, LMHC, is a renowned integrative medicine clinician and educator specializing in the use of nutritional, herbal and culinary medicine for the treatment of trauma and emotional and chronic physical illness. She is known for her dynamism and humor as a speaker. She has provided over 50,000 hours of treatment in private practice for diverse populations. Her clinical practice focuses on providing clients effective alternatives to psychotropics.

She completed her graduate education in the departments of psychiatry and public health at Harvard Medical School and her life training in the jungle of Mexico where she lived and worked alongside local healers for over 25 years. She directed a naturopathic medicine and training clinic facilitating health, culinary and fitness retreats. She is licensed and certified in nutritional therapy, mental health counseling, and bodywork (Polarity and Cranial Sacral and medical massage therapies) and is an Approved Clinical Supervisor. She introduced somatic therapies for complex trauma patients in out-patient psychiatry at Harvard Medical school in 1985 and served as a consultant in ethnomedicine to the Trauma Clinic, Boston. She is the former clinical director and faculty of New England School of Acupuncture and faculty at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine.

She is the author of the seminal book on the body and complex trauma: Rhythms of Recovery Trauma, Nature and the Body; the textbook, Nutrition Essentials for Mental Health; Eat Right Feel Right; and The Good Mood Kitchen. Her new book on Herbal Medicine for Women will be out in 2019.

She was a founder of the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, a Fulbright scholar in Herbal Medicine and an NIH-funded scientist, in mind/body medicine. She is core faculty at Capella University, and is the research director at the Center for World Indigenous Studies where she designs culinary and herbal medicine programs with tribal communities engaged in developing integrative medicine programs.
Who is this training for?
This certification training has been specially created for helping professionals, including counsellors, psychologists, case managers, psychotherapists, social workers, dieticians, marriage & family therapists, addiction counsellors, therapists, occupational therapists, occupational therapists' assistants, nurses, and other mental health professionals. The education provided in this intensive online training is designed to breathe new life into your clinical treatment plans for clients who are looking for holistic approaches to health and healing.
This interactive online certification training also offers you a community of peers and mentors all focused on helping clients succeed.
Want to know more about the course outline?
Click here for course objectives and outline.
Additional questions about this certification training? Please contact us at 01235847393.
The Next Steps in Advancing Your Practice
Watch your email for your order confirmation, and get instant access to all course materials, including the FREE Bonus materials — all designed to help you effectively integrate proven nutritional and integrative medicine methods into your practice and your life. Click here for course objectives and outline.
Review the course materials at your own pace and at your convenience! You'll have unlimited access to all course videos and materials online forever. Plus, use the PESI Mobile app to access the course content on-the-go, wherever and whenever you want on your mobile devices.
Instantly collaborate with other professionals on the course materials through interactive message boards. You'll be part of a community of hundreds of practitioners all focused on integrating holistic approaches with clinical practice in clinical practice, providing valuable opportunities to share insight and experiences and to build your professional network.
Complete your online CE tests and earn up to 17.5 CPD hours (+1.5 bonus CPD hours)! 
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Register for this intensive training course without risk. If you're not completely satisfied, give us a call at 01235847393. We're that confident you'll find this learning experience to be all that's promised and more than you expected.
Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional (CIMHP) Training Course
Nutritional and Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Professionals

£620.06 Value
Just £299.99 (VAT Inclusive) Today — Unbelievable Savings!
Earn up to 17.5 CPD Hours (+1.5 bonus CPD Hours) included in the price!
This training meets the educational requirements to
become a Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional (CIMHP)

Learn more about certification.
NOTE: No additional discounts or coupons may be applied to this course.
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We partner with Evergreen Certifications to include certification with some of our products. When you purchase such a product, we may disclose your information to Evergreen Certifications for purposes of providing services directly to you or to contact you regarding relevant offers. Evergreen Certifications is owned by PESI, Inc.
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