SECTION I: ADHD Across the
Assessment, Medication & Non-Medication Essentials
On-demand video modules & handouts to keep forever
Changing the ADHD Brain: Moving Beyond
Stephanie Sarkis, PhD, NCC, DCMHS, LMHC |
Already have clients diagnosed with ADHD who prefer not to take
medication? Whether they have concerns about side effects or long-term
use… get up-to-date information about non-medication and alternative
interventions for ADHD. Get the most common non-medication interventions for ADHD
such as computerised cognitive analysis, mindfulness meditation and neurofeedback.
You’ll also learn a variety of practical strategies that can be implemented
immediately and at a low cost. Learn how to navigate the vast research on exercise,
movement, diet, sleep, disruptive technologies, supplements and the impact of the
environment on ADHD, summarising the findings and applying the information to
“real life.” From this module, you’ll get the tools and knowledge
to develop a holistic approach to working with adults and children with ADHD.
ADHD in Children and Adolescents: Advances
in Diagnosis, Treatment & Management
Russell A. Barkley, PhD |
World-renowned ADHD expert, Dr. Russell Barkley, PhD, will walk
you through a three-hour module highlighting new insights in the diagnosis,
treatment, and management of ADHD. Packed with updated research and practical
application, Dr. Barkley will walk you through:
- His latest research findings and what that means for treatment and management of
ADHD today
- How to differentiate between ADHD and Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (SCT) – and
why it matters
- The startling correlation between untreated ADHD and premature, severe health
- Why an ADHD diagnosis lends itself to significant health problems and shorter
life expectancy
- The evolution of ADHD as more than just an educational or mental health problem
- 14 best principles for managing ADHD in children and teens
- An update on the most recent evidence-based treatment recommendations
Rethinking ADHD: A New Treatment
Edward Hallowell, MD |
John J Ratey, MD |
ADHD is too often misunderstood, even by professionals. Rather than
treating it as a deficit or a disorder, the best outcomes derive from a new
strengths-based model that reconceives ADHD as VAST (Variable Attention Stimulus
Trait). In this module, you’ll discover cutting-edge interventions based on
the VAST approach that can change the lives of clients of all ages. You’ll
- How to explain the VAST model to clients in plain language, so they start seeing
and using their unique brain traits as an asset rather than a curse
- The role of medication vs. nonmedication interventions for children and adults
- How to help clients avoid the major pitfalls of VAST, such as chronic
self-attack, rumination, underachievement, substance abuse and other addictions,
poor relationship choices, and the consequences of disorganization
Psychopharmacology: Essential Updates for
Mental Health Professionals
Kenneth Carter, PhD, ABPP |
This intensive module focuses on providing practical and useful
information about antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, and medication for
insomnia, as well as the tools to handle the ethical decisions that surround
psychopharmacology. Get the nuts and bolts on the most prescribed antidepressants,
anti-anxiety medications, and medication for insomnia on the market today, and learn
how to discuss scope of practice with your patients in order to optimise their care.
You’ll walk away better prepared to communicate with your clients as well as
the prescribers.