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Karen Cassiday

Dr. Karen Cassiday is a sought-after speaker, trainer and commentator on television, radio and popular national and international media. She is a past president of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, a clinical assistant professor at the Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Sciences, and the founder of the Anxiety Treatment Center of Greater Chicago. She is the author of The No Worries Guide to Helping Your Anxious ChildFreedom From Health Anxiety, How to Help Children and Teens with Difficult to Treat OCD and numerous scientific and many popular media articles. Her scientific publications are in the area of information processing in anxiety disorders, theoretical psychopathology of anxiety disorders, and treatment of anxiety disorders. Dr Cassiday approaches her own life and work with a sense of adventure and good humour. She has five children and a not so sharp dog whom she credits with helping her hone her sense of humor during crisis. 

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